- 12/13/00 01:58:34
whats the low budgets new website adress? i want to seeeeee
Swami - 09/27/00 00:32:16
My URL:http://arf-Oh!
The New BURN WITCH BURN disc is a True Excursion!
DM fans cHeCk iT oUt ! ! ! !
Doug from Savannah (Pezboy31) - 05/31/00 05:09:27
My Email:DougofJFF@hotmail.com
Joe! I've got new news, so email me when you
Pico Von Boig - 04/16/00 22:01:09
My URL:http://arf
Marie Osmond's Snatch: "It's Not Just For
Breakfast Anymore......................."
coming soon (on a town near you).
SuPaModiLL KaRen =) aka Frick's Woman - 03/22/00 04:00:24
My URL:http://www.SupamodiLL.homestead.com/SupamodiLL.html
My Email:Gemini0043@aol.com
I think Frick Jones (aka Brian Sprenger) is soooooo dreamy!!! Can u hook me up wit his digits so i can tap dat azzzz?? HI JOE!! =)
bryan - 03/18/00 01:04:58
Lepricons! Lepricons everywhere! AAAGH!
(not really)
bryan h - 02/15/00 01:57:19
hope you all have a Rawk'n valentin's day.
Ryan Kinder - 01/30/00 21:35:03
My URL:http://biglizard.1fx.net
My Email:RedLazlo@aol.com
Dammit Joe, you keep doing this to me. First the Dead Milkmen broke up. I survived that one (barely). Then Touch Me Zoo broke up. And now The Town Managers have broken up?!?!?!?! What, are you trying to kill me??? I can't handle disappointment like this m
ch more. Please stop disbanding your musical projects. Some of us out here actually rely on your music to survive.
Just understand that you're hurting others when you break up a band.
Anyways...how ya doing Joe? Long time no speak. Did you get the CD I sent you in December??? If not, let me know and I'll send another. Take care, Joe.
paul bernardi - 01/26/00 21:15:49
My Email:paul_bernardi@acml.com
Hey Joe
Just checking in. How are things going?
rachel - 01/17/00 03:38:24
My Email:societyskatr@aol.com
I have a GNU snowboard
frick is hot, hook it up
philly skaters for life
LOVE rachel
Jon - 01/06/00 01:32:57
My Email:mrbean43@aol.com
i was going through my list of bookmarks today and I came across this page. well, anyway, i looked through the guestbook and decided i just had to be the first person to sign this in the new millennium. well, alright. sorry for wasting everyones time.
by the way, jonk, joe, whatever you wish to be called, im the kid who you sent the soul rotation cd. just wanted to let you know im enjoying it...my DM collection is nearly complete. thanks for the cd.
Scot 'sideshow" C Robb - 12/29/99 09:47:31
My URL:http://www.thisinternetthingwillnevergetanywhere.com/net+2-1=happiness!!
My Email:scot666@mindspring.com
Joe, or frink or frinky dink or jojack or is it just dink?
I now have email on my premises. I am right now in romeo visiting my parents!!!! I go back west in a week or so. so call me here if you get this message(752.6024)!! or email me at the address I gave you!
hope all is well.
rick luau - 12/25/99 02:57:09
My Email:peter stravolta@aol.com
geezum crow, i wish the band didnt brake up.
bryan - 12/23/99 23:04:52
this site=very fun!
sweetcheeks - 11/16/99 07:33:14
this is ricks secret lover
paul bernardi - 11/04/99 15:48:54
My Email:paul_bernardi@acml.com
Hey Joe,
Just stopping by to see what's up. I hope thing are going well,
GC Bazooka - 10/31/99 07:59:20
My URL:http://www.TheAntics.com
My Email:Rambozoe@aol.com
hello...please check out the above url...we (the Antics of sunny Florida) have just posted sound clips on our web page. We would love to have you listen to them and critique them....muchas gracias.
Idiot /child - 10/11/99 04:22:21
My Email:gercv@flourstyle.com
whow these are them is weee see just takef for rice in the cardeeeum i smike and oya you? i know iknow..... w a we w wweeee is it?
Ain't B - 09/17/99 00:47:15
My URL:http://Death Ray
"Comes Right Outta The Fur With Woolite!"
George Chenoweth - 09/06/99 21:22:17
My URL:http://www.iag.net/~jasonl/antics
My Email:Rambozoe@aol.com
Happy Labor Day. Jerry Lewis will burn in hell.
%+@ - 09/06/99 17:30:54
I bet you all go get the marijuana and smoke it and the go eat the Philadelphia cheese steaks. Don't you. Or are all of you too busy making buildings to write to say hello to your parents, the creators of your bodies who gave you the very life you are pe
verting? FOR SHAME. I know you were in that one thing but is it really any Xcuse?
I bet you give out pennies for Halloween and insist everyone dress up like pilgrims don't you.
YOu should know, by your very nature you will attract psychos and weirdos. I would suggest you listen to Led Zeppelin more.
SE7EN - 09/05/99 23:35:24
My Email:mrse7en@hotmail.com
ATTENTION TOWN MANAGERS this is the moment you've waited, no LONGED for.
TO travel further West to a place called MICHIGAN or OHIO and play a SHOW with several [people]
Are you all rock stars?
Are you FAMOUS?
We we sure as hell hope so cause we are on the same "link's" page of a band who played with you.
I guess in a way that makes YOUR band and OUR band kinda cosmically intwined. Or ... not.
Actually our life long dream is to play with the Misfits and GWAR but since they are unavialable ( read: ignoring us) we decided to come to you all, the TOWN MANAGERS, our first choice.
Really. We love you and whether or not you all are into weird kinky nonhetero things or not makes not difference to out bass player.
SO if INTERESTED IN FINDING OUT MORE ABOUT THIS LIMITED TIME( whenever you can) OFFER email me at "mrse7en@hotmail.com" but leave off the quotation marks. AND I will direct you to a guy who books BIG SHOWS where the bands actuall;y get paid. I might be l
ing, but come on, at least I try.
(And no,that's not a girls name. Geez. Lay off)
BF Skinner - 08/20/99 13:42:26
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh2/trash87
My Email:rubicles@hotmail.com
the site makes my spleen tingle...
Fatpunk toad - 07/31/99 18:08:57
My Email:hibnar@prodigy.net
Oh the Same O Fucking same O
4 POC - 07/06/99 19:30:46
My URL:http://www.iag.net/~jasonl/antics
My Email:rambozoe@aol.com
The Town Managers rule. I like Raisin Bran better than Cocoa Puffs.
Ain't B - 06/21/99 23:50:41
My URL:http://quack
.........oh never mind.
Bath Soap - 06/11/99 05:06:32
My URL:http://nimbus.temple.edu/~dleichte
My Email:Bath_Soap@hotmail.com
Wow man, I have a band with a web page too. What are the odds of that? Thanks to technology I was able to look at this page and a gang bang at the same time. Check out our band's site (punk? music with absolutely no socially redeeming value).
freaky freaky - 05/22/99 20:17:35
My Email:frkonalsh6@aol.com
i want Rick Luau
callie - 05/09/99 17:41:04
My Email:kALLROY@aol.com
Asiatic Spike - 05/05/99 08:26:14
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~AsiaticSpike
My Email:mrphuq@hotmail.com
Judy has a huge ass, and I know someone that fucked it.
max ryznar - 04/26/99 23:00:09
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mi/randyraddspaper
My Email:maxryznar@hotmail
Hey you guys rock,sorry about the tape Joe, a few technical difficulty. You guys should come to muskegon for old times sake, on your tour. I will let you sleep in my back yard. By the way one of the bands that you played with "dimentia", there bass pla
er Killed his parents, brother, Grampa, and his brothers Girlfriend. Pretty weird huh -RANDY
George C. - 04/07/99 21:19:34
My Email:Rambozoe@aol.com
hey guys...i finally got a chance to listen to volume 4 in the jukebox....really cool stuff....are you still going to make me that tape, Joe?
Jon Jenx - 03/31/99 05:12:16
My Email:mrbean43@aol.com
My friend colin introduced me to the DM and the TM 's, and I gotta say I really enjoy your tunes, Joe, past and present. As to your new partners in the TM's, you guys rock too. Keep up the great work. Hopefully Colin will get me to meet you studs somet
me. Later
SE7EN - 03/28/99 05:34:26
My URL:http://www.msu.edu/~senecald/ref.htm
What is the weather going to be like there on Friday?
§ë†h Jåckšøn - 02/01/99 22:05:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Pit/6400
My Email:Crashseth@yahoo.com
im looking for trouble and i think i found it.
Sing me that "Don Black" song baby!
Guest Singer Dang - 01/23/99 09:34:10
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/shadynik/
My Email:von_jasper@rocketmail.com
I dunno how I got here from ook, or how i got to ook...pig iron...i remember that song...Oh yeah! now that I dont have a job because ov gross misconduct/vandalisim I actually have time to surf the internet! Oh well...there ya go...i was supposed to work o
my zine tonight! HA
Joe, thanx again for the TM vid!
adelle marie rodriguez - 01/07/99 18:16:37
My Email:arodriguez@sftcom.com
You guys are the greatest.
Chacho McDevitt - 01/04/99 03:45:06
My Email:chachomcdevitt@yahoo.com
Damn, I especially liked the naked pictures of the group. I want to know how Brian is able to hold that third drum stick with his....
Charlie Brown - 12/28/98 02:23:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~drandersen/tunnel.html
My Email:thebrowns666@hotmail.com
I dig the band like crazy. i have the 7". I played it a lot and now it skips. I am an asshole.
Max Ryznar - 12/24/98 00:00:33
My Email:maxryznar@hotmail.com
You guys rocked in Muskegon, keep on rocking,dudes
straight from the beach
some chick from roxborough - 12/16/98 19:56:29
My Email:raygun27@aol.mcsuck
i live in my pajamas
some chick from roxborough - 12/16/98 19:54:55
My Email:raygun27@aol.mcsuck
i live in my pajamas
Gregg Matti - 12/10/98 14:04:27
My Email:Buckwheat24@hotmail.com
When are you coming to Atlanta?
Tinky tinky honk honk - 11/30/98 07:06:26
My URL:http://yergay.com
My Email:yerstillgay.douche
wax the milky soldier for the Kmetkos...donny negrocical
salvador manella - 11/24/98 15:05:54
i think you guys should get more cats
alanna - 11/14/98 19:41:49
My Email:jezebel_44@hotmail.com
hey fellas! i really dig the web page. keep up the good work
Uncle Vernon - 11/09/98 23:30:03
My Email:slopfest@hotmail.com
I think your page needs lots more nudity. Oh yeah, I love the invisible picture of me next to chris. Played a show on the magic smurf houses. WWWWWWWWooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
George Chenoweth - 11/07/98 03:31:07
My Email:Rambozoe@aol.com
Hey there Joe and the rest of the Town Managers:
Thanks a lot for the Halloween candy and CD.:)Quite tasty:). Please send me some Philly Hashish for Christmas. The song you guys have on the cd really rocks....I cant wait for you guys to come out with a full-length cd.
Chacho McDevitt - 10/30/98 22:46:03
My Email:conal123@aol.com
Damn what a scary web page...
joe - 10/29/98 00:01:48
My Email:logojoe@aol.com
whan are ya'll commin up to beantown?????
MArk CArr - 10/25/98 16:58:09
you guys are the ginchyest...yeah, is that lasangne still good to eat?
Paiger - 10/14/98 00:17:18
My Email:pronurus@aol.com
Christopher....A villa mon coeur gardi li mo.
big man - 10/12/98 16:08:53
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
This is big and now everything is big
10/09/98 20:54:51
Name: Bad Bunny
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Just surfing. Thanks.
Brak - 10/05/98 18:47:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/4193
My Email:brak@n-link.com
5 raisins are equal to 5 fleas. Joe has become a household name here but i could change it to Jonk if you wish.
kippi kippi, brak
Jamie - 10/03/98 22:50:08
My Email:solarcow@hotmail.com
Hey Guys!!! When's the band gonna play in Florida? When ya do, let me know. I manage a Knights Inn motel. Oh, and let me know when ya'll release that full-length, cause I wanna buy it!
alex hughes - 09/28/98 23:29:13
My Email:slq1w@cc.usu.edu
Myka Nonymous - 09/26/98 04:09:37
Great stuff!!!!!!
Lee Newman - 09/26/98 03:21:51
My Email:blueboy6@juno.com
Groovy page... haven't seen the photo gallery yet, but I do have the first 7-inch release and intend to get the other one (I just found out about it). JOE! Write to me. I finally have internet/e-mail capabilities and I haven't heard from you in a long tim
, but that's mostly my fault, I suppose, telling you my e-mail address and not checking it for a year. that's about it. have fun
moses - 09/24/98 00:59:05
My URL:http://dolphin.upenn.edu/~corrette
My Email:corrette@dolphin.upenn.edu
aw heck joe, you didn't really ruin the beaux arts ball. it sucked because they ran out of beer, and the penn architects have NO sense of humor.
luau, rick luau - 09/23/98 01:05:47
Dude...are you gonna eat that?
BUBBA(again) - 09/16/98 01:39:45
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mo/greenmonkee
BUBBA - 09/16/98 01:34:28
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mo/greenmonkee
frick jones - 09/14/98 20:53:49
hey' i didn't want to sign this stupid thing, get me outa here!
paul bernardi - 09/11/98 14:44:06
My Email:pike27@yahoo.com
it's a privilege just to be here, I think. Town Managers rule!
paul bernardi - 09/11/98 14:42:22
My Email:pike27@yahoo.com
it's a privilege just to be here, I think.
SuperKenn - 09/10/98 12:34:56
My URL:http://www.aracnet.com/~suprkenn/superkenn_index.html
My Email:suprkenn@aracnet.com
-The Town Managers rule.
"That's all I have to say about that."
rick - 09/08/98 17:31:37
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mi/wacktrucks
My Email:vnjc81b@prodigy.com
hey you guys are cool my band played with you in muskegon we were the wack trucks anyways keep rockin rockers
beer - 09/08/98 04:11:00
My URL:http://www.gemstone.net
My Email:Fear.the.don@Prodigy.com
What do you call a Cow Jerking off in a field?
colin - 09/05/98 06:52:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/augusta/8776/fod.html
My Email:hero764@hotmail.com
you guys are the coolest. sorry i have nothing insightful or humorous to say, but that would just dillute my message. i can't wait for the full-length!
Crazy Mary - 09/05/98 03:43:05
My Email:czmary@hotmail.com
Well, I never! Do you think you guys have enough pictures of yourselves on here! YOu must really be in love with yourselves. And your cover of that Ramones song is the pits. It's a disgrace. Get a life guys!